The ScreenCancer Team
At ScreenCancer, we pride ourselves on a small team of highly qualified professionals. We strive to share knowledge and experiences between the countries, ensuring we take into account the specific needs of our Health Services and customers. We ensure we deliver our service in a confidential, dignified manner adapting to the needs of diverse communities.
ScreenCancer UK operations is led and managed by Zoe Garnham-Archer who has been with ScreenCancer UK since 2015.
Zoe is a Health Advisor with more than 7 years dermatology experience which she shares with our customers and collegues on a daily basis.
Our Lead dermatologist in UK are Dr. Kurt Ayerst.
Kurt has a wide experience within the NHS and are also working in different private practices. He is also providing teledermatology services within CCG’s and have experience in detection of different skin cancers as well as giving expert advice to GP’s and patients.
Dr. Toby Chave has also joined the team of dermatologists.
Our UK team is building up with dermatology trained nurses and health Advisors as well as Phoebe Sutton who is supporting pharmacies and the team in more administrative issues.
ScreenCancer UK are also supported by the mother company in Norway and colleagues in other countries.