Innovation and research
ScreenCancer strive to make the process of early detection of skin cancers as smooth, secure and efficient as possible, thus we are involved in several initiatives to increase the quality of images and analysis done by the specialists.
Together with Balter Medical we are also working with AI Technology in order to support our dermatologist to be even more accurat and secure in their analysis of images.
Our camera and system are also used in research together with high qualified dermatologists worldwide, and we are working together with several partners to further develop system, camera and service to the best for our customers.
The article “Accessing Mole-Scanning through Community Pharmacy: A Pilot Service in Collaboration with Dermatology Specialists” was published in december 2020.
A study of our Mole Scanning Service was published in 2015: Norwegian Study of the Mole Scanning service at the pharmacies